Was It Worth It?

Some people can go through life seemingly without a care.  I envy those people.  It would seem that I am, not exactly the polar opposite, but I do tend not to be very satisfied about things.  I used to think that I would be carefree if only . . . but, even when I attained whatever I was pursuing, I was already planning for the next thing . . . and plotting to do that thing!


This ‘not being satisfied’ thing brings up a heretofore unrealized character flaw.  Whenever I have attained any particular thing, I have discovered that being there wasn’t a big deal.   It was getting there that was fun and exciting.  So, I was off to the next mountain.


So, I bring this up because of all the mountaineers in the process of killing themselves on Mount Everest, and, of course, all of those woe-be-gone mountaineers that are emerging from the ice on the world’s highest mountain because of global warming.


I hope the excitement was worth it