Trumpism: A Victory for Crookism


The tenants of our democracy which have been  working for the benefit of the American people for 240 odd years are going to have to withstand the test of a Supreme Court challenge.


For the first time in American history we have an outright criminal who has the desire, whether through ignorance or design ( . . both are equally possible), to use the powers granted to the Presidency for corrupt purposes and would, in my opinion, reduce our democracy to a dictatorship.


If he is able, through a broad interpretation of the constitution, to put the Presidency above the law, then we will have dictators going forward.  Trump would only be the first in a slide into one man (or party) rule.


You can imagine how each of us would feel if the IRS only audited groups identified by the president and only pursued cases by the Justice Department that benefited the sitting president and his party.  Whether or not it was a dictatorship on day one, it would become one over the next fifty years regardless of the party of the current sitting president.  And, this would never be tolerated by the people over the long term.


In the end, that would be the end of the grand experiment, with bloodshed into the hundreds of thousands and a resetting of our cultural progress by hundreds of years.


I would like to blame the Republicans (and have,   😊  ) for their turning a blind eye to their constitutional responsibilities;  however, it does point out a flaw in our great constitution:  the constitution assumes people of integrity as the president and in the congress, people who are willing to work for the country and the people as a higher calling than party.


None of these appear to be in evidence.  The President is a crook and the majority in the Senate are self-serving bureaucrats.  Let’s hope the Supreme Court, as the final barrier, can stand up for the people.