The Sky’s The Limit

The biggest thing to learn about the Trump presidency is not that you can break the law with impunity when you are President.  . . and, clearly, according to Bill Barr, you can kill someone as President and not be prosecuted; no, the biggest lesson is that the American system of justice can be turned into a third-rate dictatorship by corruption and corrupt individuals.  When you have collusion between the President, the Attorney General and the Republican Senate, corruption can run rampant, as it is doing now.


It’s clear that the Presidency, no matter who is President, Republican or Democrat, is too powerful.


In the past we have had principled people as President, so, even if the policies were not to my liking, I felt the Presidency was reasonable, relatively honest and supported the constituion.


However, we can all see what a corrupt President and Attorney General can do . .  the sky’s the limit!