Republicans Now Worshipping Pagan God

I was always surprised that the Communist party was allowed to run in the elections in Italy, France . . and other places.  It would seem that since they did not believe in the democratic process, it would eliminate them as a viable choice in a democratic election.   I am sure there is more here that I don’t understand; however, I will just add that to the list     😊       .

It does seem to me however that the Trump party is in this category.  In their zeal to win the election they have chosen to do anything possible to win, including sabotoging our democracy.  They are currently worshipping a pagan idol. 

As are the ‘evangelicals’ who seem to have lost all understanding of a democracy and ethics in their syncophantic zeal.

If they ever had ethics or a belief in the Christian god, one thing is for sure, they don’t now.