Q:3 – Obsessions of an Addled Brain


Day three of the quarantine and two things became evident:


1)  When I go out to the store to get some milk, I have to go to five grocery stores before I can find some.  Too many people are buying everything they can get their hands on.  Why aren’t those people at home abiding by a self-quarantine that they should have implemented?


2)  As I watched Donald Trump trying to mollify the American people on TV, I realized that he was reading from a teleprompter.  Two thoughts emerged from the morass of my addled brain:  a)   Donald Trump can read.  Even though I had earlier concluded that this was doubtful, I could see that he could actually read;  however,  b) He can barely read.  He stumbled, misread and mispronounced words like a recalcitrant fifth grader that I once knew . . me.


Note that Trump is not nervous in front of cameras, teleprompters and crowds because of nerves (that we all have), he is nervous because he can barely read.  And, this answers the question of why he never follows his script on the teleprompter.


So, I am obsessing over silly things.  I wonder what day four will bring.