New Year’s Resolution, I Won’t Lie

In the 1980’s, I read about a Princeton Study on the financial net worth of people who physically wrote out their goals every year.  The results were startling.


The people who graduated from Princeton were tracked for twenty years.  Three percent of the graduates wrote out their goals and were worth, after 20 years, ten times as much as the other 97 percent combined.  Interesting, but not true.


It is particularly interesting that I would believe this and share this information with my staffs, my friends, and others who might mistakenly approach me on the train.  I was a fountain of misinformation for the greater part of my life.  It is why I don’t encourage anyone to read this blog  😊   .


What you are reading is probably wrong, but at least I am sharing this misinformation cheerfully and in good faith.  Better to be dumb and happy than knowledgeable and destroyed by the very government that purports to support truth, justice and the American way.  But, I digress.


It turns out that someone at Harvard tried to find the source of this story, failed, and then tried to analyze the results for Harvard students using historical data.  To their great astonishment, the results were almost identical.


So, please go ahead and write out your goals for this year!!


Of course, maybe you shouldn’t listen to this misinformation bunny . . .