On Sunday, Nancy and I finished our mail-in ballots. I located the nearest ballot box, drove right down there, and deposited them. Then I read that the Republican party installed a number of illegal ballot boxes across Southern California . . the Attorney General of California had to get a ‘Cease and Desist’ order. Who knows how many ballots were collected and what was done with them.
There have been a large number of these quasi-legal or outright illegal actions by the Republican party starting with the dirty tricks of Richard Nixon. There are innumerable examples of Republican attempts to cheat . . note the recent indictments in North Carolina. I havn’t made an actual tally but the number of Republican efforts in this regard outnumber the Democratic efforts by a significant number, perhaps up to ten or twenty times greater.
Why is this? What does this say about the culture of the Republican party? Is the criminal culture so ingrained in the party that it spans generations and candidates?
Maybe, Trump isn’t the only problem.