King Solomon Rocks

Everyone knows the story of King Solomon involving the two women and their claims for a baby.  King Solomon solves this problem by offering to cut the baby in two, giving half of the baby to each claimant, thus killing the baby.   One woman agrees to this and the other gives up her claim in order to save the baby’s life.


This is the dilemma the Democrats must now face . . to be real statesmen and govern the country for the long term or to take revenge on those who deserve the coming onslaught.


Do we punish the president for his ignorance, abuse of power, and incompetence or do we correct the real ills of the country and move into the 21st century as the pre-eminent superpower?


We all know that Donald Trump is beholden to the Russians for some dalliance in the past  . . and we are paying for that by his decisions in Syria and his upcoming decision in Afghanistan.  He has and will have made the world a more dangerous place because of his decadence.  But, we have some responsibility here.  We elected the miscreant.


But, revenge only begets revenge.  Remember Germany after World War I or the handiwork of the Irish Republican Army.


This may mean a trade-off.  Let him have some part of the wall for reasonable legislation on DACA and immigration.  And, of course, it would include a confession, resignation, and jail-time for his role in the Russian interference in our elections.


Do you think this is too much to hope for?