Andy, a fellow golfer, mentioned to me that CNN was left leaning in its political orientation. I think it is clear that Fox news is right wing. That’s without question. MS-NBC is left leaning, sometimes strongly left leaning. However, in my opinion MS-NBC is not nearly as far left as Fox is to the Right.
So the question of CNN comes up. Where do they sit on the spectrum? CNN has always been a pretty straight reporter of new. Usually not having a slant one way or the other. However, I do come away with more of a left leaning feeling. I wonder why that is?
Is it left leaning to report accurately an event that puts the President in a bad light? Did they put the President in a bad light or did the President do that himself. They only way to keep it from looking left leaning would be to avoid reporting the information.
For example, everyone reported the information on the size of the inauguration crowd. Virtually, everyone noted that it was different than what the President claimed. It made the President look vain or that he lied when he said that it was bigger than the crowd for Barack Obama. There was no subjectivity here regarding the reality of the situation, regardless of the claims of the White House.
Yet, to report it honestly, would put the President in a bad light, thus earn the title of left leaning.
It seems the only way to make it appear neutral would be to report it inaccurately, favoring the President. I would point to Fox as a prime example of this type of journalism.
So, is reporting an event accurately a left-leaning propensity?
Is reporting an event inaccurately, to favor the President, a neutral propensity?
It makes one wonder!