This election shows you what a corrupt politician and his henchmen are capable of doing to our American democracy.
In case anyone had any doubts, Donald Trump wants to be king and will do anything in his power to make this happen. What we are discovering is that our constitution allows for all kinds of abuses by king wannabe’s, especially when there is collusion in the Senate.
So, let’s remain positive about this election. Let’s all get out there and make it clear that DJT is not the choice . . . although, we know that for the 30-40% of the population, syncophancy is more important than democracy.
The real question here is how did we let our population get so lost in their own selfish needs, and be so unwilling to support the greatest, and most successful, experiment which is American democracy?
I said it before and I reiterate. Donald Trump is our own, personal, American Adolf Hitler.
Now is when we have to stop him.