How Do I Make A Phone Call on this Device?

The question of change is an interesting one.  First of all you can’t stop it.  Your body is changing every moment . . thousands of new cells are being created as you are reading this.  And, in a like way, change is happening in the universe.


You can look at this from different perspectives.  For example, the bus schedule here in Galway changes perhaps every two years.  So, you don’t need to refresh that information except occasionally and still remain current.  However, if you wanted to understand the current status of a radio isotope, which changes millions of times a second, it would be more difficult.   The life cycles of these things, and therefore the need to adjust to these changes, is different based on the nature of the thing you are observing and its lifecycle.


And this extends to everything, every type of object, every golf ball in our individual universes.


So, we have to change if we want the same results as before.  This is hard, especially if you are trying to live, have a family, take care of parents, and, especially, if you are trying to break 80 on the golf course.


Not changing is not an option.


I remember when phones became so complicated that I consciously decided that I wouldn’t spend the time to learn, use, and develop confidence in using, the new features (in the 80’s).  This amount of change in phone technology couldn’t possibly continue!


I was wrong and now I am sitting on the west coast of Ireland, with a tool that gives me access to the world, using the same understanding of the phone technology as I had in the 80’s.  The world had changed and I hadn’t.


And, I should have.