There is no question that incompetence and mental incapacity are the reasons Donald Trump will exit the White House in January . . assuming that he doesn’t try something spectacular like a coup (which I wouldn’t put past him). I am growing more confident each day that the legal system, if not the political system, will save us from this dictator wannabe.
But, we have work to do! We have to figure out a way to eliminate the electoral college, which has made the drama over the last two weeks possible. I feel fairly confident that if DT had been successful at undoing the election using lawyers, arcane laws, and malfeasance, there would have been a revolution in this country. The only person who would have sat back and fiddled would have been Nero Trump.
We did learn that the Republican party is really a cult with no longstanding values. And, this collapse of values was heralded by the McConnells, the Grahams, the Rubios, and all the rest of them that made Trump the hated degenerate he is.
We must remember them and vote them out of office . . all the way down to the local level.
But, the biggest surprise of all is that about half the people in the United States supported Trump even though he has done monstrous things to our democracy and been personally responsible for the deaths of over 200,000 people (I am subtracting off the 50-100,000 who might have died anyway under a worst case scenario).
He was right about the fact that he could get away with shooting someone on 5th avenue and not be held responsible. Let’s hope the justice system is up to the task of holding him accountable for his many illegal acts.
And, let’s get on to living . . oh wait, I can’t, we’re in quarantine!!