From a Republican, Don’t Vote Republican Unless . . .


1)  There is a replacement for Obamacare.  Remember it’s you who is going to lose your medical coverage.  The rich, the Koch brothers, don’t need the medical coverage.  They just don’t want to have to pay taxes.

Don’t vote Republican unless you see a detailed plan on what is going to replace it.


By the way, it is easy to criticize.  It is easy to say there will be something better,  but you can’t implement what isn’t there.   The current strategy is to eliminate Obamacare, but at what cost?


Vote Republican only when there is an alternative to Obamacare that is better.


2)  You have an alternative to Social Security.  The current Republican strategy is to defund Social Security.  Remember, the rich Republicans who are funding these candidates don’t need Social Security.  You do.


3)  Your Republican candidate says that he/she wants to work across the aisle.  Compromise is the only way to effectively get things done using this form of government.


4)  Vote Republican only when your candidate says that he/she is willing to think about, and vote on, issues from the perspective of the best thing for the country . . .and not support the Republican leadership lockstep for political purposes.  We need solutions that work for everyone and that means working together to find solutions.


The unfortunate situation is that the rich Republican leadership elite have a very different agenda.   Choose and support a candidate that has your values, your interests in mind, and has the personal and professional skills to get things done.


Until I see these things in a candidate, I am refusing to be manipulated by the Republican leadership whose dedication to the rich and the NRA has given us a rich legacy.