Change is Not Enough

I just read an article, an opinion piece on CNN, that Trump was a better catalyst for action than President Obama.  He said the time for quiet diplomacy and action was past.  We wanted to make great change and move forward!  And, that is what Trump is good for.  Breaking through the norms, going against tradition, and pumping new oxygen into the political environment.


That is what Hitler, Mussolini, Karadzic, and Pol Pot did too.  They broke with the norms, they tried new things, they moved faster than the society in which they lived and forced those societies to go along with their visions of the future.  And, they were monsters.


The point is not only to make change.  The point is to make principled change, which is lasting, and to work with the peoples of the world to ensure that they understand and are a part of the overall solution.


This is what we are after, principled change.  And, make no mistake it is hard.  It takes strong leaders and a willingness to let everyone be a part of the solution.


Rushing into this brought us Donald Trump, a man who, like Hitler, Mussolini, Karadzic, and Pol Pot before him, thought change was enough.