I have often wondered why a spouse would put up with an abusive relationship.  Why not just leave or call the police and press charges?  Wouldn’t anything else be better than being beaten?  Or, how long would anyone put up with this if you chose to try and make it work . . and, after … Read moreSAD


Driving the grapevine north of Los Angeles was always a crap shoot because of the large trucks which frequented the route.    It was especially true at night, and especially true in 1971 when two narrow lanes snaked through the mountains, illuminated only by the occasional star.  And, on that night, the star wasn’t in … Read moreIndio

Avoid the Train to Führerhauptquartiere

The Republican party is shattered, not only because of Trump, who hopefully is the last Jim Jones wannabe on this train careening toward the Führerhauptquartiere, but because of its acquiescence to the radicals in the party.  When someone punches you, you punch back even if they call your father a friend of Lee Harvey Oswald, … Read moreAvoid the Train to Führerhauptquartiere